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Balearic Island, Spain
Fine Art

Contemporary and Visual Artist, Gus's work is an attempt to communicate your artistic dreams into a visual language forever. He lives in your "Dreamland" constantly.
With a variety of photographic techniques, especially multiple exposures, photocomposition and Matte Painting, Gus takes us on a magical journey to the depths of his imagination. Using an ancient natural technique, mixed with today's photographs, his images are composed of multiple layers, carefully executed and visually delightful. Soft touches of colour give his creations a dreamlike atmosphere. He often incorporates people in his works, as he considers human beings to be a fundamental part of our environment. These ethereal themes seem to vanish into thin air in front of the viewer's eye. Endowed with a thoughtful and contemplative aura, standing before one of his works is like a meditation. His Creative Editions do not leave you indifferent, contemplating them is like entering a dream, letting yourself go and enjoying a world of magic and illusion.
After more than 20 years dedicated to photography and the Creative Edition, in 2018 he decided to start sharing his work. Since then, he has had an upward trajectory and has received worldwide recognition. He has been selected by Photographize as one of their "Featured Artist", he is also "Featured Artist" in "Cercle Foundation for the arts" and in the prestigious "International Black and White Photography Association" (IBWPA). He has been published in several magazines, including Photographize Magazine, Photographize Monochrome, Shades of Grey, EYE Photomagazine, El Hurgador [Art on the Net], Dodho Magazine, Carrete Digital, Potassium K, JaamZin Magazine,Photo&Technique magazine, Magazine, etc His work has been recognized and awarded in prestigious international competitions such as IPA, MIFA, PX3 Prix de la photographie Paris, ND Awards, ND Monochrome Awards, FAPA, Monovisions Photography Awards, Spider Awards, International Color Awards, One Eyeland Photography Awards, among many others.
In just two years he has been awarded more than 80 prestigious international prizes including the Absolute Winner in the prestigious "Juan Antonio Sequi" competition, in the city of Tarancón in Spain. Some of his works are already part of private collections and Contemporary Art Museums in the permanent exhibition.
He has also been invited to participate in numerous international exhibitions in recent years, in which he is a regular participant. His works have been exhibited in Spain (Cuenca, Madrid, Barcelona), Italy (Rome, Milan, Florence), France (Paris, Lyon or Arles), Romania, Greece, England (London), San Francisco or New York.
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