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Amman. Jordan

Ibrahim Nabeel Salah is a photographer who grew up in a family whose profession is photography since he was young. He used to see films and pluck around him, developing and printing. He practiced photography as a profession that was imposed on him first after accompanying him to the camera, which became his girlfriend who does not leave him most of the time. He feels a passion and inclination to photograph things alongside his profession of photographing individuals as work. . Then this sense and occupation grew after several attempts to photograph buildings and found himself inclined to this type of architectural photography and when making the necessary adjustments to complete each image in a way that suits the decree in his imagination, he unleashes the image and displays it in world-famous sites and not only this type. It was really the decisive point in which he found himself, he was able to mix and scatter the colors in those things he captures and bring out that picture in the best way stemming from his feeling and from his personal perspective... As it is said, he who is on the path has arrived. He was able to participate in many international competitions and won a large number of them, and was also chosen as an arbitrator for a number of international competitions as well. And participated in several international exhibitions That ambition began with the seed he planted inside him, which he nurtured and nurtured with perseverance and patience until he reached the desired summit in his eyes.
And one of the most important global awards
IPA international photography awards USA (Special Effects Hub) He got three places first, second and third for three consecutive years 2019 2020 2021 And the axis of abstraction is the second place
Siena International Creative Photo Awards (Italy) runner-up for two consecutive years 2020 2021 (abstract and architectural photography)
And also the distinguished artwork 2020 for architectural photography
The most prominent international exhibitions
Most notably in (Beijing Hanjian Fine Art Gallery) October 2021, the exhibition is for architectural photography, and I participated in ten pictures from New York City and Amman.
Also participating in this year 2022 in an exhibition in Germany held in Frankfurt, Germany with a selection of international photographers entitled (This is my world) award-winning photographers (Saturday, March 5, 22 until Saturday, April 23, 2022....
Member of the jury in the French competition, Visions International Photo Awards 2020
Jury member at 35 awards 2021 2022
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